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Photographs I have taken over the last few years, with Google Maps showing the location.
The photographs are grouped by their religious demonination to aid searching.
All photographs are Copyright © and CANNOT be reproduced, in any format, without written permission.
Currently there are 283 photographs
Postal Address versus Location Address

The address of a building in this section is NOT necessarily the Postal Address.

Some years ago when the morons in the Royal Mail decided to establish the Post Code system they also decided to alter the postal address format. The final two lines of the new address consist of the location of the Royal Mail sorting office for the area and the Post Code. This produces ludicrous annomolies where towns and villages seem to have moved to a different county. For example Bessbrook is, was and always will be in County Armagh, but, because the sorting office for that area is in Newry, County Down, the postal address now leads the uninitiated to believe that Bessbrook is in County Down. This leads to much confusion when viewing historical records.

After numerous complaints, in the spring of 2010 they came up with a brilliant solution for the problem of places seeming to be in a different county than previously, they decided to abolish the counties in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. So now we have no way of telling whether you are referring to Dromore, Co. Down or Dromore, Co. Tyrone, other than by the Post Code. I don't know what Ivory Tower they work in but it is about time the came out of it and joined the real world!

The other concept with which these English morons failed to come to terms is the unique Irish area known as a Townland. These are not found in any other part of the world and were therefore ignored by the Royal Mail as being irrelevant. Thankfully some councils are now adding the townland information to their street signs.

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